NEWCUST_IDFORMS_TEXT Residents: Wisconsin residents can set up an account using their social security number, date of birth and driver’s license, if applicable. If you are age 18 or over a valid Wisconsin driver’s license number is required when creating an account online. Adding your current and valid Wisconsin driver’s license number to your account allows you to use your Wisconsin driver’s license as proof of purchase for many fishing and hunting licenses. Some exceptions apply, see regulations for details.
Nonresidents: A nonresident can set up a customer account using their social security number and date of birth. Nonresident aliens who are not U.S. citizens can create a DNR customer record by providing their visa or passport number in lieu of a social security number.
State and Federal law allow customers who are U.S. citizens, but do not have a social security number, to submit a sworn affidavit in lieu of a social security number. Affidavit forms are available at DNR Service Centers.